Alle TVE-Platzierungen |
TVE-Gesamtspielplan |
U23 (Bezirksliga) |
SpVgg Holzgerlingen |
| ABV Stuttgart |
69,19% |
Chances against |
30,82% |
2 |
Table Rank |
16 |
40 |
Pkt. |
13 |
18 |
Matches |
17 |
2.22 |
Pkt.Match |
0.76 |
67:39 |
Tore |
31:46 |
3.72:2.17 |
ToreMatch |
1.82:2.71 |
13 (72,22%) |
Wins |
3 (17,65%) |
8:3 vs. SC Stammheim (A) 8:3 vs. SV Vaihingen (H) |
Highest Win |
5:2 vs. Sportvg Feuerbach (H) |
4 (22,22%) |
Losses |
10 (58,82%) |
0:4 vs. Croatia Stuttgart (A) |
Highest Loss |
0:5 vs. Spvgg Cannstatt (A) |
1 Win(s) 1 Matches without a Loss |
Current Serie |
1 Loss(es) 1 Matches without a Win |
Statistical Infos about the League |
Matches |
tot. |
Home Wins |
Draw |
Away Wins |
157 |
74 (47%) |
26 (17%) |
57 (36%) |
Tore |
tot. |
Home-Tore |
Away-Tore |
732 (Ø4.66) |
386 (53% Ø2.46) |
346 (47% Ø2.2) |
Highest Home Win(s) |
VfL Herrenberg - |
SC Stammheim |
7:0 (2.MD) |
Sportvg Feuerbach - |
TSV Rohr |
7:0 (11.MD) |
Highest Away Win(s) |
SC Stammheim - |
SV Vaihingen |
0:9 (7.MD) |
The Most Tore |
SC Stammheim - |
SpVgg Holzgerlingen |
3:8 (5.MD) |
Spvgg Cannstatt - |
SC Stammheim |
8:3 (9.MD) |